YOU SAID IT: Business of health care

YOU SAID IT: Business of health care

Friday, Oct. 11: Here are today’s Ottawa Sun letters to the editor.

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When you really think about it, there is enough blame to go around concerning health care in Ontario. Of course, both federal and provincial governments are complacent. Absolutely, the hospitals can share some of the blame. Finally, the patients can take a portion of the blame also.

It was explained to me, in very simple terms, that health care, as a whole, should be considered a service industry. It should be run like a business. When hospitals begin to understand the concept and when patients start to complain about the service, I believe service will improve.

I had the advantage to seek medical service outside Canada and outside North America. In my humble opinion, health care in Canada, and particularly Ontario, is perhaps only a few steps higher than in a Third World country.

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If tent cities popping up in every community in Canada weren’t enough to show you the disastrous legacy of poverty caused by the Justin Trudeau government, a report in the Canadian Medical Association Journal is warning Canadian doctors to be on the lookout for rising cases of scurvy. Food insecurity is allowing this disease of medieval times to make a comeback.

In the next election, Canadians need to punish both the Liberal party and the NDP that keeps Trudeau in power for bringing Canada to its knees.



I saw an interview with Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault telling the average Canadian their climate policy is a complex issue. What’s not complex is this: If I’m laying out $500 in added taxes for gas, heating and all the price increases associated with carbon tax, and I get $500 back from the government, what’s the benefit?

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The emissions are not going down and we’ve spent $200 billion; now that’s complex. Not to mention that a whole new bureaucracy was created to collect the tax, only to turn around and send it back.

What’s complex is how this government is still in power while not listening to the people.



Your letters are welcome, at: Include your first and last name AND city/town. Keep your letters short — and please try to be civil, even when criticizing or disagreeing. We edit for accuracy, length, clarity and legal concerns.

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